WELL...YOU DO! If you're a current member reading this - THANK YOU - None of this would be possible without you.
It might be the variety of different programs we're able to offer, or it could be our welcoming atmosphere where seniors from all walks of life find friendship and community.
"I shall pass through this this life but once. If however, there is any kindness I can show or any good I can do my fellow being, let me do it now, not defer or neglect it for I may not get this opportunity again."
The Sackville Seniors Advisory Council
Drop-In Center is located in the Sackville Heights Community Centre at:
45 Connolly Road
Lower Sackville
Nova Scotia, B4E 1S6
The regular hours of the center are Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 4:00pm.
OFFICE is open Monday to Thursday from 9am to 4 pm
Friday = 9am to 1pm for the summer
more about the ssac...

The Sackville Seniors' Advisory Council was initially formed in 1987, has their own Constitution and By-Laws, and has 13 Board of Directors. The council oversees the operation of the Silver and Gold Drop in Center which has a membership of over 400 and is representative of seniors living in the area.
Members of the council attend conferences and workshops on a regular basis and compile information which is passed on to seniors. One of the ways this information is shared is through the Silver and Gold Seniors' Drop-in Centre, which is operated by the council . The council has initiated many new programs, such as educational video tapes, income tax assistance, filling out of government forms, and assisting seniors in contacting the right government people when necessary. They have had input into the new housing development (and many more are needed) being built in Sackville through the Nova Scotia Housing Commission. This group welcomes the opportunity to serve their fellow seniors in any way possible.
The main project of the Sackville Seniors' Advisory Council is the Silver & Gold Seniors' Drop-In Centre.
The Sackville Heights Community Center is an ideal location for seniors as bus routes are close by, and it is wheelchair accessible . Click here to see a map of how to find Silver & Gold.
The Drop-In Centre is open to seniors Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Drop in for Tea or coffee and lots of friendly conversation along with card games, bingo, fitness classes, and more are available to all that drop-in.